Wedding programme has finished and what do you do afterwards?. You certain will clean your wedding dress. But to keep that good permanent is seen, you also must pay attention for preservation. To keep from age consequence damage and insect, so you want a storage box or special bag. There are some matter necessary look at.
* Before you keep your wedding clothes, assure that cleaned carefully, may be found stain and dirt, drink consequence or the other, when not be cleaned carefully causes stain permanent, but your wedding clothes clean specialist is more knows manner to clean it.
* You must wrap up your wedding clothes with tissue paper, before you put it in box or special bag. Use white tissue paper, don't use coloured paper, because will stain your wedding clothes.
* Don't use plastic as wrapper, because can make damage permanet chemicals consequence.
* You may be can put your wedding dress in cardboard, but when do you use cardboard not durable, because can eaten this termite very has harmed your property. If you use it, you necessary replaced it every specified period.
* If you use wood box, ascertain box can go along way and is not eaten termite. You must overlay with tissue paper or cloth between wood and your clothes.
* When will you hang your wedding dress , don't use hanger made from wire, , use made plastical double on of a kind it. But suggested to doesn't hang, heavy wedding clothes can notch fabric in part on.
* Place your wedding dress storage box in closed place, don't place in basement, because dust and moist can causes mouldy wedding dress.